Creating Surveys from Templates — Best Practice

In this article

Suggested next articles: Adding Logic to Questions and AI Recommended Questions.

About templates in Delighted Surveys

Seeking inspiration for a survey? Start with our one-click templates!

Delighted Surveys offers a curated selection of templates to jumpstart your research. Browse the categories (ex. Product) and find the perfect starting point. 

Share your template with the Delighted community!

Submit your valuable survey template to our library and receive full attribution (e.g., Built by 'Your Company'). It's a clear opportunity to showcase your leadership in Voice of the Customer solutions and to share with others.

Email and we'll follow-up with the details.

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Using Delighted Surveys' templates

Survey creation just got easier. Simply click a template, customize, and go! 

Open your "My surveys" index → and pick "Create survey"
Select "Create from template"
Scroll through "All" of the choices → or select a category (ex. "Marketing") to narrow the choices

Click on a likely-looking suspect → (ex. "Online Shopping Survey")

Preview, use, or search again!

Click any template and you'll pop to the Survey editing page where you can:

A. "Preview" your survey
B. Decide to "Use" the template
C. Go "Back" to the templates selection page and try again

When you're ready → click "Use template"
Consider your next step:

Enhancing your templates with logic and AI

Craft your template into a more discerning questionnaire by:

  • Adding insightful questions and replacing weaker ones with AI Recommended Questions
  • Applying logic to branch, filter, and segment responses — revealing deeper understandings from the data

Learn more in:

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Tailoring and customizing templated surveys

As soon as you pick "Use template" you'll come to the survey's editing page where you can customize and tailor your template to align with your unique goals. 

New to Delighted Surveys?

If so, you may need to click "Save survey" as seen below. This will allow you to set up an account! (You won't see this button in the future.)

Level up your survey! There are dozens of editing options — just check this handy table! Click the links for details.

1 Question editing
Edit question text and answer choices — Change question settings, formats, and scale points — Add new questions
2 Survey flow editing Adjust Settings (ex. name, description, auto-advance) — Move questions up or down the survey flow — Disable auto-advance — Add a welcome message — Modify the default thank you message and add a link — Delete survey elements
3 Branding the Survey
Update your survey's branding (ex. logo, color scheme, and button styles)
4 Adding logic
Add conditional logic to questions with the Adding logic later approach to link subordinate questions to their respective conditional questions
5 Publishing and sending
Publish and take your survey live — Copy your survey link and distribute it to prospective respondents
6 Adding AI Recommended Questions
Use AI Recommended Questions to brainstorm new questions for your templated surveys. Think of templates as a launchpad, and AI as the rocket fuel propelling your surveys to the next level

Note: Every Surveys' template starts with 2 or more questions, so you're good to go with AI Recommended suggestions immediately!
Suggested next article: Editing Surveys

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Publishing your templated surveys

When you are pleased with your edits — click the Publish survey button and take your survey live! 

Publishing will:

1 Generate a survey link to share with respondents
2 Populate your live Results page and start tracking feedback
3 Lock parts of the survey to ensure validity and reliability

To publish a survey:

Click the "My surveys" button → to open the Surveys index
Click your "Draft" (Unpublished) survey card
If your live Results page opens, your survey has already been published! Jump ahead to Copying and distributing your survey link
Click the "Publish survey" button
If you haven't logged in or created your account yet, you'll be asked to sign in at this time.
Click "Yes, publish" 
Copy your link → and click "Done"
Share your link → and start collecting feedback!
Editing a published survey

Your survey will be locked as soon as it has been published, which means your editing options will be limited. Bounce on over to Editing Published (vs. Unpublished) surveys to learn what you can — and can't — change.

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Copying and distributing your survey links

After publishing your survey, copy and distribute the link to potential respondents. Email it, post it, message it, Slack it; use it wherever and whenever you wish! 

There are two convenient places to copy a survey link. Either:

From a Survey card → click the "Link" icon
From a Results page → click "Copy survey link"

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