Creating Surveys

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Suggested next article: Editing Surveys and Managing Surveys.

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This video sprints through the basics of Delighted Surveys — from creating to distributing your first survey!

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Start a survey and add your questions → in 5 ways

Once you start creating Delighted Surveys, you won't be able to stop!  

To create a survey:

Click the "My surveys" button → and open the My surveys index (which categorizes your "Published," 'Drafts," and "Closed" surveys)
Click "Create survey"
Add questions in any of 5 ways → marked here
Add your questions from . . .
1 A template

Quick steps: Pick "Create from template"  → scroll the categories → pick a template → click "Use template" (Learn more in Creating Surveys from Templates — Best Practice)

2 Scratch
Quick steps: Type a question → click "Next" (or pick from the suggestions list)
3 The Popular library
Quick steps: Select "Recommended Questions" → pick "Popular" → choose a category → and select a question
4 The My questions list Quick steps: Click "Recommended Questions" → My questions → and recycle a question from your account's archive
5 AI Recommended Questions Quick steps: AI needs 2 questions to establish context — then, the "AI Recommended" button lights up. Click to view three "AI Recommended Questions" at every try. (Learn more in AI Recommended Questions — Best Practice)

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How to finish up your questions — selecting formats and customizing

After entering a question, click the response format that best fits your question from these four generic types: 

  1. Multiple choice
  2. Text
  3. Numeric scale
  4. Graphic scale

Craft dozens of question types from the four basic options, adapting them to any survey method you have in mind.

Question variations in the dozens!

Format Variations
1 Multiple choice Multiple choice, Multiple Selection, None of the above, All of the above, True-False, True-Somewhat-False, Yes-No, and more
2 Text Comment, the ‘Other’ answer option, follow-up text questions, and more
3 Numeric scale 5 point Likert, 3-7 point CSAT, 11 point NPS, 11 point eNPS, 3 point PMF, 3-7 point CES, and more
4 Graphic scale 5 Stars, Thumbs, and 3-5 point Smileys

About switching formats

If you change your mind, click the Format drop-down menu and pick an alternative!

Customizing your question

Each question type has a unique design with customization options to match. In this example, we’ll demonstrate a Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) question with a 5-point Numeric scale and matching labels.

To customize a CSAT 5-point scale with labels:

Click 1 → then click 5 to set the scale
Enter a low-scale choice label → like “Extremely dissatisfied”
Enter a high-scale choice label → like “Extremely satisfied”
Click "Save question"

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1. Create from a template

Create compelling surveys effortlessly with Surveys' templates — your shortcut to insightful questionnaires. (Use the other four methods to add new questions to your template: from scratch, the Popular list, your My questions archive, and especially from the AI Recommended suggestions.)

To select a template:

Open your "My surveys" index → and pick "Create survey"
Select "Create from template"
Scroll through "All" of the choices → or select a category (ex. "Marketing") to narrow down the choices

Click on a likely-looking suspect → (ex. "Online Shopping Survey")

Preview, use, or search again!

Click any template and you'll pop immediately to the Survey editing page where you can: A) "Preview" your survey, B) decide to "Use" the template, or C) go "Back" to the templates selection page and try again.

When you're ready → click "Use template"
Learn more about Surveys' templates in Creating Surveys from Templates — Best Practice in this Help Center, including how to: 

Enhance your templates with logic and AI

Craft your template into a more discerning questionnaire by:

  • Adding insightful questions and replacing old ones with AI Recommended Questions
  • Applying logic to branch, filter, and segment responses — revealing deeper understandings from the data

Learn more in:

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2. Enter from scratch

To add questions to Surveys from scratch:

Enter a question → (ex. “How satisfied are you with your purchase?”)
Click "Next"

About the autofill list

As you begin typing, a list of suggestions will appear. If you see a question you like, select it from the autofill list.

Jump to "How to finish up your questions" and learn to:
  • Select a response format → 
  • Adjust your question settings → 
  • Click "Save question"

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The Popular questions library has been carefully curated by the Delighted team to adhere to recognized methods, frequently applied questions, and best practices. While each certified question has been predesigned to save you a bit of time, don’t hesitate to edit the questions and align them tightly to your research goals.

The questions are split into five categories:

How does your survey participant feel? Are they pleased or displeased with your business, service, product, operation, or event?
Is your participant aware of your brand? Are they a supportive, loyal user of your products or services? (Marketing questions are often paired with Demographic questions for filtering and segmentation.)
Product (or Service)
Is your participant a satisfied user of your products, services, or support? Are they satisfied with their onboarding, use rate, value for money, and usability? Do they support recent changes?
What questions will segment and clarify the audience, customer segment, participant group, or characteristic? What are the differentiators — gender, age, income, location, more?
Skim through all the available questions

Below is an example of a Popular — Net Promoter Score (NPS) — product loyalty question with it's iconic 11-point scale. 

Watch how quickly the question comes together!

Click "Add another question" → from the Surveys editing page
Select "Recommended Questions"
Pick a "Popular" category → (ex. "Product")
Choose a question → (ex. “How likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend?”)
Edit the question as needed → (ex. deleting “/service” to create a product specific question)
Jump to "How to finish up your questions" and learn to:
  • Select a response format → 
  • Adjust your question settings → 
  • Click "Save question"

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4. Recycle from your My questions archive

The My questions archive lets you reuse questions that have worked well in your previous surveys. After selecting a question from the list, make edits and fine-tune to fit the situation. (The questions are from published surveys located in your company's account.)

To reuse a question:


Click "Add another question" → from your survey's editing page

Pick "Recommended questions"
Select "My Questions"
Choose one of your previously used questions → and make any necessary edits
Jump to "How to finish up your questions" and learn to:
  • Select a response format → 
  • Adjust your question settings → 
  • Click "Save question"

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5. Use AI Recommended Questions

Stuck for an idea?

Delighted's AI Recommended Questions can help refine your follow-up questions — offering you three, on-point alternatives at every go. 

AI needs a hint! 

AI requires 2 questions to establish the target audience and your survey's purpose. This bit of information is enough for AI to generate relevant follow-up questions — after which the AI Recommended button lights up everywhere!  

a. In the Question library

b. When entering a new question

c. On the Survey editing page

Nearly every Surveys' template has 2 or more questions, so you're good to go to AI for suggestions!  

However, if you are starting from scratch, you'll need to create 2 questions first. For example:

Ask your first question  → (ex. "Did you buy the new Amazing Potato Peeler?")
Ask a second follow-up question → (ex. "How would you rate the performance of the Amazing Potato Peeler?" 5-star)
Click "AI Recommended" → and pick a new question! 
Jump to "How to finish up your questions" and learn to:
  • Select a response format → 
  • Adjust your question settings → 
  • Click "Save question"

Ditch writer's block with AI Recommended Questions! 

Don't feel locked into your initial questions. Simply start with any two questions, then let AI start brainstorming.

Don't worry, you can swap in AI ideas and ditch your original questions anytime. (Visit Editing Surveys to learn more.)

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Managing your survey cards: Published, Drafts, Closed

Surveys are so easy to create that you won't be able to stop! Fortunately, it’s just as easy to keep them organized!

Categorize your Surveys by these three stages:

1 Published These surveys are live and can collect responses, gather valuable feedback, and track results
2 Drafts Still building your masterpiece? Draft surveys allow you to edit and refine before publishing
3 Closed Need to pause a survey or keep it for reference? Closed surveys are inactive — but can be reactivated instantly

Click on any card to reopen that survey. 

Clicking a "Closed" survey simply zaps you back to whatever state the survey was in when you closed it. 

However, "Published" and "Draft" survey cards open to different places:

Drafts Clicking a draft or unpublished survey zips you to a survey editing page for continued revision and/or publication (See Creating & Editing Surveys for all the details)

Clicking a Published survey pops open the Results page where you can:

  1. Edit a published survey → in a limited way
  2. Copy and distribute a survey link
  3. Export and share survey results
  4. Create and Share Reports

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