Collaborating on Surveys

In this article

Suggested next articles: Editing Surveys and Managing Surveys.

All about collaboration

Seeking advice from colleagues on your questionnaires has never been easier. The collaboration feature even allows non-Delighted users to lend a hand. 

Copy your collaborator's link from one of two places:

Open your survey's editing page
Click the "Collaborate: button → or any of the "comment" icons (which look like speech bubbles)
Copy the "Collaborate link" from either spot

To invite your editors and reviewers:

Send the link to your collaborators → and have them enter it into their browsers
Instruct your editors to click any "comment" icon to the right of any question, Welcome or Thank you message →  and enter their suggestions
Entering names is optional → (ex. "Hilary") → otherwise, a collaborator's name will appear as "Anonymous"
Collaborating on Reports

Use the collaboration feature with your Reports too! Get feedback from colleagues before sharing out your official findings. Check out Creating and Sharing Reports for more.

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Adding, reviewing, and resolving comments

Open your survey editing page and look for the "comment" icons (aka, speech bubbles) to the right of your questions, Welcome, and Thank you messages.

When the bubble is:

1. Pulsing Red A new comment has arrived!
2. Blue A comment has been made and read → but is unresolved
3. Grey No comment has been entered → or the comment is resolved

Reading and adding comments

To read comments → or to add comments of your own:

Hover over a question, Welcome, or Thank you card → and click the "comment" bubble
Review and add your comments
Click "Add comment"

Reading, resolving and deleting comments

To read, resolve, and delete comments:

Click a blue "comment" bubble to read the suggestions
Select "Resolve" next to any comment to remove it

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The collaborator experience

Collaborators can preview your Unpublished survey and add comments to specific questions, as well as make suggestions to your Welcome and Thank you messages. When a collaborator views your survey, they'll see intuitively how to Preview and add comments

The first time they "Add a comment," they'll also have the option of adding their name — otherwise, their comments will come through as "Anonymous."

However, your collaborators have a strategic limitation — they can't edit your survey! (Trust us: this is a very good thing!)

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