Account and User Settings

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If you see this button atop your Delighted Surveys account, you're in luck and eligible to try all of our Premium features for 14 days — at no cost.  Learn more at Try our free 14-day Premium trial.

In this section

Suggested next article: Managing Surveys.

All about the Account page

Click the Account button to open the Account page — your portal to a host of security and administrative actions. 

To start, we'll highlight four tabs largely reserved for Delighted Admins, including:

1 Plans and billing Track payments and select upgrade options
2 Users Manage users and their access
3 Sending domain Send from your company’s domain to extend your branding. (A Delighted CX projects feature)
4 Data retention policy Set options to delete responses and/or to anonymize your data outside of a specific time window

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Inviting and managing users

Admin users can invite others to Delighted and decide whether they have access to Surveys, CX projects, or both!

Surveys access is universal

If you give your team members access to your organization's Surveys account, they will have full access to view all existing Surveys, create and edit new Surveys, and create and share Reports. With Surveys, "User" restrictions (i.e., Delighted's Admin, Standard, and Limited levels) do not apply. (That's a Delighted CX projects thing.)

More about User settings in Delighted CX projects

Access to CX projects can be drastically restricted. If you are in doubt about where a team member belongs, pick the Standard or Limited user settings — because Admin status will give full access rights to every project in your account, and that may not be what you intend. 

Visit Getting Started with Delighted CX to learn more. Also review our Admin training Module 1: Managing Users, which gets at the heart of Delighted security.

To invite a user:

Click "Account" → and "Choose Users"
Type in the new users's email address
Select their permission level → usually "Standard" or "Limited"
Choose "Select projects"
Under Delighted Surveys → check the box next to "All Surveys"
Click "Send invite"

Have new users join your Surveys accounts

Your invitees will see an invitation in their email. Have your users:

Click the "invitation link" → found in their "Join All survey's" email
Pick "Join" → when asked to join the fun!
Choose "Switch to Delighted Surveys" (if required) → from their CX - Surveys switcher menu 
Jump into Surveys! For example, users can now create a new Survey by entering the first question they would like to ask — an clicking "Next"
Getting new users up and running

Have your new users start smart by visiting the Help Center's section 1. Creating & Editing Surveys. Nearly all of their questions can be answered there.

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Collaborating with your users on Surveys and Reports

Seeking advice from your users on your Surveys and Reports can be invaluable. The collaboration features also allow non-Delighted users to share their ideas with you. 

For the deep dive details, visit:

However, if you are in the mood for a quick look — you can copy a collaboration link to send your reviewers from one of two places:

Open either your Surveys editing page or your "Reports" page
Click the "Collaborate" button → or any of the "comment icons" (which look like speech bubbles)
"Copy" the collaboration link from either spot

To invite your editors and reviewers:

Send the link to your collaborators → and have them enter it into their browsers
Instruct your editors to click any "comment" icon to the right of any question, Welcome or Thank you message →  and enter their suggestions
Entering names is optional → (ex. "Hilary") otherwise a collaborator's name will appear as "Anonymous"

To read comments → add comments of your own, and resolve comments:

Hover over a question, Welcome, or Thank you card → and click the "comment" bubble
Add comments of your own!
Click "Add comment"
Click any blue "comment" bubble to read the suggestions
Select "Resolve" next to any comment to remove it

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Signing out of a Delighted account

To sign out of your account, click "Account" and then choose "Sign out."

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Cancelling your Delighted Surveys subscription

Cancelling or deleting your account will impact both Surveys and CX projects alike — so we've created a single article to cover cancellation for both products. Visit:

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Upgrading your Delighted Surveys & CX project plan

Upgrading from Delighted's Free Starter or Surveys Starter plans will give you access to Delighted CX. Visit this shared article on pricing and billing, where upgrades are explained for both products.

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