Tagging Text Responses

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Introducing Text Analytics

Delighted Surveys makes capturing insights from your open text feedback easy and intuitive. 

With Text Analytics, you can:

1 View and read all of your text responses
2 Add tags to your text responses
3 Analyze tags in a chart view
4 Add Text Analytics to Reports → (ex. Combine charts and responses to create shareable visualizations)
Ready for analysis!

Before responses arrive, you'll see "Waiting for responses" hovering over an empty visualization.

As participants answer your questionnaire, you'll see "Ready for analysis" happily displayed over your visualization's text responses. You can start your analysis!

Click "View all responses" to reveal all of the responses.

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Viewing and reading your text responses

Your can review text responses from any survey, Published and Closed, that has collected responses.  

To view and read all of the responses for an open text question:

Click the "My surveys" button → and choose "Published" or "Closed" as needed 
Select any survey's index card → to open your Results
Click any text visualization to expand it → and view 10 results per page (click "Next page" to see more results)
After flipping through forward through all of the responses → use the  "Previous page" button to return

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Adding Tags to text responses

In this section we'll show you how to create tags — and apply them! (Tags, once created, will be available for every text question within your survey.)

There are two ways to create and add tags:

1 Immediate tagging — in your responses as you read along

2 Batch tagging — entering your tag label in advance and appling them quickly

1. Immediate tagging — enter tags as you read responses

Categorizing the Museum's Gift Shop Sales

The Art City Museum's Gift Shop sells a wide variety items from branded clothing, local candies, books, and specialty prints from local artists. Tags often categorize and group related items for easier analysis. For example, candy = chocolate, caramel, and taffy)

  • candy
  • clothing
  • books
  • prints

To start tagging categories as you read your responses:

From the "Results" page → click your visualization and expand it
Click "Add tag" → next to any text comment
Enter your tag name → (ex. "prints")
Select "Add" → and then click the "checkbox" next to your new tag
Click "Save"
Continue adding and applying as many tags as you need → (ex. "clothing") → and click "Save"

Adding multiple tags to a response

To add multiple tags to a single response:

Expand your visualization again if necessary
Click "Add tag" → next to your comment
Click the first tag → (ex. "prints")
Click the second tag → (ex. "clothing")
Select "Save"

2. Batch tagging — enter your tag labels in advance

To add a bunch of tags via the Tags button:

Click the "Tags" button → in the upper-right corner of the visualization
Enter a new tag → and click "Add"
Repeat step 2 for as many tags as you need → (ex. "candy," "books," and "giclees")
Click "Save"

To quickly apply a batch of new tags to multiple responses:

Click "Add tags" → seen to the right of a response
Click the tag's checkbox → (ex. ""candy," "books," or "giclees")
Click "Save"
Repeat steps 1-3 for any tags you'd like to add

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Analyzing Tags in Chart view

Once you've added tags to your responses, switch to the chart view by:

Clicking on the "Chart" icon → seen in the upper-right corner
Selecting a tag to isolate → and also loading the responses associated with that tag → (ex. "clothing")
Resetting the chart by clicking the tag again → (ex. click "candy," "books," "prints," or "gicless")

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Managing, editing and deleting Tags

There are two places to add, delete, rename, and otherwise manage your tags. 

The first is by clicking the Tags" button in the top right-hand corner of any text visualization. This opens the "Manage tags" model. Beware! You can — and will — remove tags from every text response in your survey when you delete them from this modal!

The second place to manage tags is directly in the responses themselves. This method only impacts the response that you are modifying. 

Here are four ways to manage your tags. Click the links to jump to the step-by-steps:

1 Add new tags Type in the new tag at the bottom of the Manage tags modal and choose "Add"
2 Edit existing tags Click on the tag you want to edit in the Manage tags model and enter your changes
3 Remove tags from text responses Uncheck the box to the left of a tag you want to remove from within any specific comment
4 Delete tags globally from the Tags list From the Manage tags modal, click the "X" button to the right of the tag you want to delete globally. (This removes all instances of the Tag everywhere in the survey)

2. Editing existing tags

Is it Prints or Giclees?

The Art City Museum is well known for its super high-resolution ink-jet artist prints on canvas. Most call them "prints" but they are formally known as "giclées." These canvases are known for their exceptional detail, color, and accuracy. For this reason, let's modify the "Prints" tag to: 

  • prints (giclees)

To edit a tag:

Expand your text visualization → by clicking it
Select the "Tags" button
Click inside your tag's box and make your changes → (ex. changing "prints" to "prints & giclees")
"Save" your changes
Actually, "prints & giclees" seems messy →  so let's just change the entire category to "giclees"

3. Removing tags from text responses

To remove tags from a text response:

Expand your text visualization → by clicking it
Click the box displaying your tag → which appears next to your comment
Uncheck any tags you want to remove  → (ex. "scarfs" and "shawls")
"Save" your changes

4. Delete tags from the Tags list

To completely delete a tag — from both your Manage tags list and all the tagged responses in your survey:

Expand your text visualization → by clicking it
Select the "Tags' button
Click inside your tag's box → and click the "X" to the right
Click the red "Delete" button
And don't forget to click "Save"

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Adding Text Analytics to Reports

Create impactful visualizations and share your work with Tags and text analytics in your Reports.

You can:

1 Show all of the responses to a question
2 Isolate selected responses to a question
3 Display a Tags distribution chart
4 Display a tags distribution chart with a selection of text responses

1. Show all of the responses to a question

To add all of the responses to a question to your report:

Open the expanded version of the visualization → by clicking on it
Choose "Add selected to a report" → from the top corner
Visitors to this report can page through all of the responses to a question.

2. Isolate selected responses to a question

To choose specific responses to add to a report:

Open the expanded version of the visualization → by clicking on it
Select any responses you want included in the report → by clicking the "checkbox" next to the response
You can select responses across multiple pages of results.
Choose "Add selected to a report" → seen in the top-right corner
4. View the results in your Report!

3. Display a Tags distribution chart

To add the chart view of tag distribution to a report:

Open the expanded version of the visualization → by clicking directly on it
Switch to the chart view → by selecting the "chart view" icon in the top-left corner of the visualization
Optional: Filter your chart  → by clicking on any segment, (ex. click "sneakers") → Note: Click "sneakers" again to reset the chart
Choose "Add to a report" → as seen in the top corner

4. Display a tags distribution chart with a selection of text responses 

To combine a tags distribution chart with specific responses:

Open the expanded version of the visualization → by clicking it
Switch to the chart view  → by clicking the "chart view" icon in the top left corner of the visualization
Select one of the tags → either by clicking on the tag in the legend or inside the chart itself
Select any responses you want included in the report → using the "checkbox" next to the response. 
You can select responses across multiple pages of results.
Choose "Add to a report" in the top right-hand corner

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