Managing Reports

In this article

Suggested next article: Creating and Sharing Reports.

Opening the Reports index — and your report cards

Every report has a "report card" under the Reports index. The cards will let you view, share, edit, and manage your reports. 

To open the Reports index and your report cards:

Click the "Reports" tab
Open a report by clicking its associated card

To read about creating, editing, and sharing reports, check out our article Creating and Sharing Reports.

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Copying and sharing a report link

Copy and share your report's link with colleagues and stakeholders. Reviewers don't need a Delighted account to access your report — they just need the link! 

 To copy a report link: 

Open your report from the "Reports" index
Click the "Share" button → seen in the upper corner of your report
Copy the "Link" in the Share box
Distribute the link to your audience
Sharing a report from a Report index card

To share a report directly from a report's card, click "Share" and then follow steps 3-5 above.

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Renaming and describing a report

Names are visible at the top of your reports — so memorable names are called for. 

Each report starts with a default name — either the name of its paired survey, or the date the report was created (ex. New report 2023-08-29). Just guessing, but a default name may not be what you want for a high-stakes presentation. So let's fix it!

To change the name of a report:

Open your report by clicking its card
Click the report's "name drop-down" menu 
Pick "Edit details"
Enter the new name → (ex. “Museum fundraiser — food choices”)
Add an optional description → (ex. “2024”)
Click "Save"

Renaming a report from its index card

To rename a report from a Report index card → click "Edit details" from the "ellipses" menu. (Then follow steps 4-6 above.)

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Deleting a report

Deleting permanently removes a report from your Reports index — but that’s all it does! Your survey responses will not be deleted, so you can always rebuild the report whenever you wish.

To delete a report:

Open your "Reports" index
Open the "ellipses" menu → seen at the bottom of the index card
Select "Delete"
Click "Yes, delete report"

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